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坝上草原中国马镇旅游度假区开园迎客 Bashang Grassland China Mazhen Tourist Resort Opens to Welcome Guests

首页    坝上草原中国马镇旅游度假区开园迎客 Bashang Grassland China Mazhen Tourist Resort Opens to Welcome Guests


Mazhen Tourist Resort in China is located in Fengning datan town, Hebei Province, 189 kilometers north of Beijing, with an altitude of 1478 meters.It is located in the economic belt of Silk Road in Bashang Grassland, and is the closest natural grassland to Beijing. Relying on the natural and cultural resources in Bashang, Ma Town in China takes horse culture as its theme.It has built a tourism town with grassland characteristics integrating horse culture theme park, grassland Silk Road performing arts group, roast sheep food street and characteristic hotel group.


At the opening ceremony on the same day, Chen Hanyi, general manager of Ai Ma Wenchuang, released Wenchuang IP-"Bole knows good goods" and four cultural IP products, "Ma Li Cake, Qianli Tea, Jinge Meat and Iron Horse Wine"He said: "The launch of Wenchuang IP is to create value for the vast number of tourists and vacationers and create value for the society.As an IP cultural story with profound cultural identity,In ancient times, "Bole knew a thousand horses" and now, "Bole knew good goods"Bole rode fast horses and went all over the world, bringing good goods back to Mazhen, China, and sharing them with every tourist"

2021年7月7日 11:32